Loblolly Marsh Nature Preserve = Winter in the Woods 1-28-23

While I wait in the long season of Winter, I decide to walk in the woods.  What better way to embrace the interlude between Fall and Spring.  Snow fall created a blanket on the landscape in Winter White.  

What treasures would I discover as I traipsed the terrain?

With an inquisitive Spirit and a keen eye, I hope to uncover the mysteries that the Woods keeps.

The day held hope, with a temp of 27* and no wind blowing the early morning hike promised to be a treasure..

View of the Prairie from the north.  The wet snow had weighed
down the Big Blue Stem.

Trail on north side of property along woods
(East side of road)

Raccoon and bunny tracks in the snow

I stopped for a few minutes to take these pictures, suddenly there was movement off to my left.  A bunny was hopping off into the woods.  He must have been hidden in the grass and just
couldn't stay still anymore.  He continued hopping off until he was safely away from me.

The snow makes it much easier to see the game trails and the tracks of the deer that use them..

Lots of deer tracks on the open trail in the prairie

A little bit of open water on the other side of the pond

Into the W
oods on the Upland Trail
What mystery does the Woods hold?

The deer use the trails as much as the humans do.  When you see the pile of downed trees in the Woods (below) you can understand why they take the path of least resistance. 

Game trail through the Woods

A skewered leaf hanging suspended in the air

Some small creature is using this little crevice in the tree as his home.  
Evidenced by the small wood shavings at the entrance. 

The sun is making an appearance through the clouds

The footprints around the trunk of this tree looked suspicious
Was someone making this its home?

A closer look revealed another mystery
Did the animal die here or was it someone's meal?

Something digging in the snow?

A woodpecker digging for bugs
I heard several  Red-Bellied Woodpeckers in the woods

Closer examination

Even closer examination of the drilled hole 

Back to the prairie heading west 

The Sun still trying to shine

Even more game trails in the prairie
The Marsh supports a herd of deer

Driving south past the parking lot we viewed what is commonly known as 
The Eagle Tree
It is not uncommon to see one or two Bald Eagles sitting here
They are very tolerant of our presence

Of course he kept his eye on me as I drove beneath and stepped out to take this photo

What a good day to be in the Woods.  

Melissa Fey


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