
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Yellows - Early Morning Hike at Loblolly Marsh NP

 September 2, 2024 Labor Day - Early morning hike at Loblolly Marsh Nature Preserve Words and photos by Melissa Fey I was excited to wake up early this morning, long before the sun thought about rising.  I hurried to the marsh, donned by Muck Boots and hit the trail.  I like to make this hike at least once a year, normally in late Summer.   You see this is when the 'Yellows' are blooming.  (you will soon see what I am talking about) Yes, it was cold this morning, 52*.  But after the heat of last week, if felt refreshing.  I was out of the parking lot by 6:45am, plenty of time to get to the where I wanted to be to watch the sun rise.   This trail doesn't have a name, that I know of.  I starts just south of the bridge over the Loblolly Creek going east following the creek until there is a ditch coming in from the south, It didn't take long before the wildflowers were lining the trail. False Sunflower Canada Goldenrod Pokeweed (okay not a sunflower) Field Thistle Wingstem