
Showing posts from March, 2023

Sunrise at the Marsh

  Sunrise at the Marsh Loblolly Marsh Nature Preserve Sunday March 5, 2023   Prose and Photos by Melissa Fey I walked the road south knowing there would be little or no traffic. The road was flooded and only the foolish would attempt crossing it. The trees were filled with Red-winged Blackbirds.   Their songs were loud and boisterous. They were at the top of the trees to catch the first morning light. As I walked I recorded the sounds of the Blackbirds along with Song Sparrows, Mourning Doves, American Tree Sparrows, American Robins and, of course, the Canada Goose. Have you ever heard the thumping noise of the wings of the Canada Goose as they take off over water? It is quite impressive. I also heard the wing beats of the Song Sparrows as they flew past me.   This is what the stillness   of the morning will allow you to hear. After passing the bridge over the Loblolly Creek, I noticed the sun peaking over the horizon.   As I continued to walk, the sun rose higher in its ma