
Showing posts from January, 2023

Loblolly Marsh Nature Preserve = Winter in the Woods 1-28-23

While I wait in the long season of Winter, I decide to walk in the woods.  What better way to embrace the interlude between Fall and Spring.  Snow fall created a blanket on the landscape in Winter White.   What treasures would I discover as I traipsed the terrain? With an inquisitive Spirit and a keen eye, I hope to uncover the mysteries that the Woods keeps. The day held hope, with a temp of 27* and no wind blowing the early morning hike promised to be a treasure.. View of the Prairie from the north.  The wet snow had weighed down the Big Blue Stem. Trail on north side of property along woods (East side of road) Raccoon and bunny tracks in the snow I stopped for a few minutes to take these pictures, suddenly there was movement off to my left.  A bunny was hopping off into the woods.  He must have been hidden in the grass and just couldn't stay still anymore.  He continued hopping off until he was safely away from me. The snow makes it much easier to see the game trails and the tra

January-Limberlost NP/Bird Sanctuary/Rainbow Bend

                There is a voice that doesn't use words.   -Rumi Today's venture started at the Limberlost Nature Preserve.  It is located on what we call the County Line Rd.  This is 1100 South in Adams County and the northern most road in Jay County. Limberlost Nature Preserve This is the pond on the south side of the road, mostly covered with ice. I no sooner pulled on the road than I saw an eagle fly off.  I spotted 3 eagles in the woods to the south and as I got my camera out (not sure why I am never prepared) I noticed a Mature Bald Eagle standing on the ice of the pond on the south side of the road.  It quickly flew away.  All in all I spotted five Bald Eagles along this road. Close up of immature eagle on the left As I drove down the road I saw this immature eagle in a tree by the pond with his back to me. In the wetland area on the north side of the road there were lots of ducks, Canada Geese and one eagle standing on the ice (too far away to get a photo) Bird Sanctuar