
Showing posts from February, 2023

White Oak Cemetery - February 4, 2023

White Oak Cemetery Jackson Township, Jay County Indiana on 850N just west of 250W On this cold Winter day I chose to walk the quiet solitude of the White Oak Cemetery.   The sun made for the feeling    of warmth, although it wasn't.  As I walked down the winding lane to the cemetery I could hear a Pileated Woodpecker and White Breasted Nuthatches.  As I entered the cemetery a group of Juncos flew from the graves into the bushes.  A single Robin could be heard calling. I had disturbed their quiet foraging in this sacred place.  I wished I had  brought some paper and pencil to do grave rubbings (not robbings).  It was difficult to read much of the lettering.  It was necessary to look from above or the side to see the words clearly.  So much of the information was lost to time and the elements.  Find-a-grave listed 126 graves.  But that does not really tell the story of the White Oak Cemetery.  Yes, the graveyard is surrounded by White Oak trees.  Many of them extremely large which at